Temp Artist Group

Bodø art association- Temp 2018


Bodø Art Association - Temp and Anne Thomassen

Temp shows works in the main room

Anne Thomassen has a solo exhibition in the window gallery

Anne Helen Mydland

Works: Spode works: Monuments and echoes (2017)

Fired feldspar, stoneware, photo, mdf.

Spode works was a famous bone china factory in the U.K. with continued production between 1780 - 2009.

I have tried to understand deserted displays - as monuments and echoes of the alchemical processes of transforming dust of bones and minerals into translucent bodies. Deconstructing the foundation of what made the success of Spode- and 'the Potteries'. Pointing to the displayed presence of absence.

Anne Thomassen

Ornament and Crime is a wall work that can be dissolved ornament, new characters, language or chaos. The work refers to Adolf Los's article 1908, with the same name, from the early 20th century, which has had a strong influence on modernism. His slightly rabid views, misogyny, a form of superhuman moralism. (at the time, of course, it did not see it that way) He became very important to modernism, especially architecture, the Arts and Craft movement and the Bauhaus.

He was a good friend of Wittgenstein and Schönberg

He was a pedophile and was found guilty in 1928 of abusing 8-10-year-old girls.

Ruth Moen

Works: Hang: Gray / Blue #1 and #2 (2018)

Rope, nails, clay

Location specific

I am researching how to give clay a forced shape in structure and surface, without the material losing its character and being reduced to a purely plastic material for shaping. Researching the possibilities that lie there when clay is given freedom within a given framework to shape itself and be an active part of the narrative.

To the Bodø art association, I have brought a sculptural element, a blue rope on which I have pressed gray clay with clear handprints. I have developed two site-specific works based on that and the given space. The clay is initially moist, but will dry and crack and change color along the way.

Heidi Bjørgan



Bodø Kunstforening- Temp og Anne Thomassen 9. juni - 15. juli 2018

Temp viser arbeider i hovedrommet

Anne Thomassen har separatutstilling i vindusgalleriet

Anne Helen Mydland

Verk: Spode works: Monuments and echoes (2017)

Fired feldspar, stoneware, photo, mdf.

Spode works was a famous bone china factory in the U.K. with continues production between 1780 - 2009. 

I have tried to understand deserted displays- as monuments and echoes of the alchemical processes of transforming dust of bones and minerals into translucent bodies. Deconstructing the foundation of what made the success of Spode- and ‘the Potteries’. Pointing to the displayed presence of absence.

Anne Thomassen

Ornament and Crime er et veggarbeid som kan være oppløst ornament, nye skrifttegn, språk eller et kaos. Arbeidet referer til Adolf Los sin artikkel 1908, med samme navn, fra tidlig 1900 tall som har hatt sterk innflytelse på modernismen.  Hans lett rabiate synspunkter, kvinnesyn, en form for overmenneskelig moralisme. (datiden så det selvfølgelig ikke slik) Han fikk stor betydning for modernismen, særlig arkitektur, Arts and Craft bevegelsen og Bauhaus.

Han var god venn av Wittgenstein og Schönberg

Han var pedofil og ble funnet skyldig i 1928 i misbruk av 8-10 år gamle jenter.


Ruth Moen

Verk: Heng: Grå / Blå # 1 og  # 2 (2018)

Tau, spiker, leire


Jeg forsker i hvordan gi leire en tvungen form i struktur og overflate, uten at materialet mister sin karakter og reduseres til et rent plastisk materiale for formgiving. Å forske i mulighetene som ligger der når leire gis frihet innenfor en gitt ramme til å forme seg selv og være en aktiv del av fortellingen.

Til Bodø kunstforening har jeg tatt med meg et skulpturelt element, et blått tau som jeg har klemt grå leire på med tydelige avtrykk fra hånden. Jeg har jobbet frem to stedsspesifikke verk med utgangspunkt i det og det gitte rommet. Leiren er ved start fuktig, men vil tørke og sprekke opp og endre farge underveis.

Heidi Bjørgan